Multiple Sclerosis can be overcome physically, mentally and spiritually - every person with MS has that capability!

go beyond MS with the 5 Point Program!

Beyond MS Association claims

We are not Medical doctors but people who have successfully managed MS for over fifty years. We offer sensible advice to complement whatever your personal doctors or healers have suggested! We guarantee that if you adopt our suggestions your health will improve!

What is Multiple Sclerosis

A neurological disorder affecting the insulation (myelin) surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Destruction of the myelin causes scar-like tissue (scleratic plaque) to form. This demyelination interferes with normal transmission of nerve impulses resulting in various symptoms. MS is considered to be an auto-immune disease.

How does Multiple Sclerosis manifest?

Even though MS is usually portrayed as a devastating disease, actually the majority of people with MS are not severely debilitated!

  • Most people are able to live relatively normal and healthy lives.
  • Some may experience only a few mild, fleeting symptoms.
  • Some may experience a series of attacks with partial or complete recoveries or remissions.
  • Some may experience symptoms that remain stable over many years
  • Some may experience symptoms that worsen quickly or gradually over time.
  • MS is often characterized by an erratic or unpredictable course.

Overcome MS with the five point program

Implement the 5 point program and immediately improve your health and MS! Members of Beyond MS have used these effective strategies for more than 50 years.

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Cause and cure of MS

Cause and cure of MS

It is understood that MS is caused by imbalance in the mind/body/and spirit, which in turn causes damage to the myelin sheath, (the protective covering that surrounds nerve cells). When this covering is damaged, nerve signals slow down or stop which is caused when the body's own immune cells attacks the Central nervous system..

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The Cure for MS explained (the complete version).

The Cure for MS explained (the complete version).

How to recover and heal from multiple sclerosis (MS) using diet. In this video Dr John McDougall explains how autoimmune conditions and MS occur and teaches what diet to eat for multiple sclerosis. He also expands on the work of Dr Roy Swank in this video.

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The Epstein Barr theory

The Epstein Barr theory


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Med Beds - the future of Medicine (Including MS)

Med Beds - the future of Medicine (Including MS)

Please be aware these med beds are not yet available to the general public!! They are being used presently on the children... inside sources say they will start to roll out in 2024 or 2025! The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The Technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time. These beds could be the dream that we have all been hoping for eventually!

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Quantum Med Beds

Quantum Med Beds

Short description of the Med Beds

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Med Beds described

Med Beds described

An insight into these fantastic healing modalities

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1) Personal Responsibility

1) Personal Responsibility

Take Responsibility for Your Own Health - Nobody Else Will! Why do people get sick? Sickness is not a natural state-of-being. Learn how to protect your health by changing the way you think about your life. Thousands of scientific studies over the past thirty years have shown that our thought patterns is the most significant factor why people get sick.

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2) Balanced breathing

2) Balanced breathing

A Simple Breathing Exercise For A Balanced Mind, Body, and Soul: The benefits of pranayama are tremendous, and there are several breathing exercises anyone can incorporate in just a few minutes a day.

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3) Rest, Meditation and Prayer

3) Rest, Meditation and Prayer

Rest, Meditation, and prayer for full integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit, adressing the whole body. A variety of mind-body approaches are used by people with MS for therapeutic effect, including Yoga, biofeedback, music therapy, pet therapy, hypnosis, meditation, prayer, and guided imagery. There have been a limited number of systematic studies evaluating the benefits of these mind-body approaches.

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4) Yoga, and exercise

4) Yoga, and exercise

Yoga, and Exercise. Breath is Life! Connect to life's energy through Yoga, and exercise! A simple routine will give anyone a quantum jump in energy, mental clarity, and well being. Do a short daily procedure and start to actually rebuild your mind, body, and spirit!

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5) Diet, and MS

5) Diet, and MS

Multiple Sclerosis - John A. McDougall, M.D. : When the subjects of multiple sclerosis and diet are mentioned in the same sentence, the reaction from most health professionals is to dismiss the connection as being absolutely ridiculous. How could something as simple as what we eat be involved with such a mysterious disease as multiple sclerosis?

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6a) Ayur Veda

6a) Ayur Veda

The world's oldest system of Holistic Medicine incorporates very exact sophisticated diagnosis techniques, synergistic natural medicines and tonics, comprehensive purification and massage techniques, meditation, diet, breathing techniques, exercise, etc..

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6b)  Ayur Veda and the Raj Health Spa

6b) Ayur Veda and the Raj Health Spa

At the heart of The Raj programs are the profound treatment programs that help restore balance and reawaken the body’s natural healing mechanisms. But the treatments are only a part of a comprehensive approach to creating health. Guests at The Raj also gain an understanding of how all the various aspects of their lives are interrelated and contribute either positively or negatively to overall well being. Guests learn to understand how individual factors in their make-up affect physical tendencies, moods, cravings, motivation, and behavior. And guests learn how simple shifts in diet, exercise, and daily and seasonal routines can enhance their progress toward increased strength, stability and vitality. Not only do our guests go home feeling renewed in body and spirit, they also report that the benefits from their stay continue to grow long after they have returned home.

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7) Supplements

7) Supplements

The top 15 supplements for natural MS therapy There is a strong case for natural treatment of multiple sclerosis with supplements, diet, etc. That is along with, or instead of drugs, as prescribed by your physician. Drugs sometimes have significant results on treating MS symptoms but have limited benefits on the disease itself, while natural therapies often have a dramatic impact on the course of MS.

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8) Laughter Therapy

8) Laughter Therapy

How Laughter Can Help People with Multiple Sclerosis A new clinical trial is under way to study how laughter can help ease depression and anxiety for people with neurological disorders. Laughing may be a way to a healthier lifestyle for people with neurological diseases. That was the premise of a recent study that took place in Israel. Neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease, can cause anxiety and sleep issues, among other symptoms. The researchers of the study, which focused on people with Parkinson’s, said laughter therapy may be an effective way for people with these conditions to feel better. There is also a new clinical trial that will study the effects of laughter therapy on people with a variety of neurological disorders, including MS.

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9) Water Therapy

9) Water Therapy

Hydration and MS Exercise in a Hydrotherapy Pool: It didn't take me long to realize that I'd been missing something very important—a good way to burn enough calories to keep my weight in check, while experiencing the pleasant psychological effects of a regular exercise regimen. So I followed the first part of my doctor's advice—to take Tylenol—and found that my strength gradually returned as my fever receded. Later, when I was feeling better, I followed his second suggestion—to take a long, cool shower—and I was amazed to find that I was still stronger! Although not everyone with MS experiences such a dramatic response to changes in temperature, knowledge of this temperature effect is extremely important for those who do.

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10) Chiropractic Treatment

10) Chiropractic Treatment

There have been many people living with MS that report getting alleviation from their incapacitating symptoms through chiropractic treatment. Patients claim to have higher energy, better muscular control and the ability to be more active in their daily life

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11) A Healthy Life

11) A Healthy Life

Live a balanced life in harmony with nature to maximize the body’s ability to heal incorporating a healthy lifestyle that facilitates wellness. Get plenty of rest; stop smoking; reduce amount of caffeine consumed;; enjoy more walks or wheels in nature; stay physically and mentally active - don’t overdo it;; and engage in activities that bring joy to your life.

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Treating MS

Treating Multiple Sclerosis by Recalibrating the Immune System

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More ways to overcome ms

More ways to overcome ms

After travelling the world the Beyond MS Association has found dozens of ways to improve, overcome, and even cure Multiple Sclerosis. A list of our most important findings are listed below. 11 to 25.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Chinese Medecine TCM is a standardized version of the type of Chinese medicine that was practiced before the Chinese Revolution that is based on several ancient beliefs. An important one is the Daoist belief that the human body is a miniature version of the universe. Another belief is that a vital energy, “Qi,” flows through the body and performs multiple functions to maintain health. TCM practitioners believe that chronic pain results from blockage or imbalance of Qi, and that their role is to correct or balance its flow. Other concepts, such as the Yin/Yang—harmony between opposing, complementary forces that support health—and the Five Element Theories are equally important to TCM.3 In the Yin/Yang theory, practitioners describe the Yin or Yang character of health, such as its location (interior/exterior), temperature (cold/hot), and amount (deficient/excess). The Yin/Yang illustrates polarity and the notion that one characteristic cannot exist without the other. The Five Elements symbolically represent the stages of human life and explain the functioning of the body. Knowledge of these concepts is important to foster an understanding of TCM. However, the purpose of the current tutorial is to examine specific TCM practices and whether they are helpful in chronic pain management.

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Aroma Therapy

Aroma Therapy

Aroma Therapy uses aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds for improving psychological or physical well-being. It can be offered as a complementary therapy or as a form of alternative medicine. Complementary therapy can be offered alongside standard treatment, with alternative medicine offered instead of conventional, evidence-based treatments. Aromatherapists, who specialize in the practice of aromatherapy, utilize blends of therapeutic essential oils that can be issued through topical application, massage, inhalation or water immersion to stimulate a desired response.

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The Chi Machine

The Chi Machine

The Chi Machine is a remarkable invention! So simple to use, yet so effective in so many respects: relaxing, massaging, stimulating, oxygenating, energizing and… enjoyable.

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Chiropractic Medicine

Chiropractic Medicine

Chiropractic There have been many people living with MS that report getting alleviation from their incapacitating symptoms through chiropractic treatment. Patients claim to have higher energy, better muscular control and the ability to be more active in their daily life

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Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve your overall health. It is extremely safe to use, even with very small children and pets, has none of the side effects of many traditional medications, is very affordable, is made from natural substances, and is FDA regulated.

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Gornya Trepcha

Gornya Trepcha

A health Spa in Serbia which is efficient in physical rehabilitation for people with MS, primarily throuigh hydrotherapy. This is confirmed by numerous clinical studies that have been conducted in this institution and in which there are patients suffering from multiple sclerosis and rheumatic diseases. The first regular statistical researches date back to the eighties of the last century and in the last eight years there have been conducted a great number of studies.

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Grounding is the idea that touching any part of your body directly to the earth transfers the electrons from the surface of the earth to your body. It’s how animals stay healthy.

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Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including, muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage Therapy is a great option that can help you overcome varies acute or chronic conditions associated with an everyday stress or a muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.

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Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on the healing power of nature and it supports and stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using natural therapies including: botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulation, traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, lifestyle counselling and health promotion and disease prevention.

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A World Treasure – Niagara Falls provides strength, cleansing and abundance

A World Treasure – Niagara Falls provides strength, cleansing and abundance

Visiting Niagara Falls I was taken by surprise – I will call it a World Treasure. A place that carries so much energy and if aware of the energies we as individuals change simply just by visiting this place.

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A physiotherapist works with people with MS to assess physical difficulties and help improve movement and other functions of the body. Exercise is one of the key ways in which they do this.

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Quantum Healing

Quantum Healing

Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep. Historically, hypnotists have avoided conducting research with subjects in this state because of the often strange and inexplicable results that are recorded. It is from this deep state that one is able to experience a profound healing.

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The Raj Ayur Veda Health Spa

The Raj Ayur Veda Health Spa

At the heart of The Raj programs are the profound treatment programs that help restore balance and reawaken the body’s natural healing mechanisms. But the treatments are only a part of a comprehensive approach to creating health. Guests at The Raj also gain an understanding of how all the various aspects of their lives are interrelated and contribute either positively or negatively to overall well being. Guests learn to understand how individual factors in their make-up affect physical tendencies, moods, cravings, motivation, and behavior. And guests learn how simple shifts in diet, exercise, and daily and seasonal routines can enhance their progress toward increased strength, stability and vitality. Not only do our guests go home feeling renewed in body and spirit, they also report that the benefits from their stay continue to grow long after they have returned home.

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Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a technique where subtle energies are used for healing. These types of energies have been recognized by the western medicine only in the recent past. Many eastern medical systems have recognized and have been using these types of forces or energies for hundreds and thousands of years. Other names which are also used for these energies are Chi and Prana. These energies are related to and are directed by a person's consciousness. Due to this, a person can accept healing forces directly in the presence of the healer or at a distance from the healer.

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Stem Cell Therapy and MS

Stem Cell Therapy and MS

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapy involves extracting white blood cells from the bone marrow of the person with multiple sclerosis (MS). These cells are treated with chemotherapy to make them, in essence, forget they have MS.

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Water Therapy and Hydration

Water Therapy and Hydration

Hydration and MS Exercise in a Hydrotherapy Pool: It didn't take me long to realize that I'd been missing something very important—a good way to burn enough calories to keep my weight in check, while experiencing the pleasant psychological effects of a regular exercise regimen. So I followed the first part of my doctor's advice—to take Tylenol—and found that my strength gradually returned as my fever receded. Later, when I was feeling better, I followed his second suggestion—to take a long, cool shower—and I was amazed to find that I was still stronger! Although not everyone with MS experiences such a dramatic response to changes in temperature, knowledge of this temperature effect is extremely important for those who do.

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Multiple Sclerosis: It's Not The Disease You Thought It Was

Multiple Sclerosis: It's Not The Disease You Thought It Was

Multiple sclerosis is seldom fatal and life expectancy is shortened by only a few years. Most patients and physicians harbor an unfounded view of MS as a relentlessly progressive, inevitably disabling disease.

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Overcoming MS: Tips for recovery from an MS attack

Overcoming MS: Tips for recovery from an MS attack

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can be difficult to predict, making it hard for those with MS to manage the disease. However, there are some changes that people with MS can make to help control the disease and positively impact their overall health.

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The Gut Microbiota and Multiple Sclerosis | Dr. Jens Walter | MS Society of Canada

The Gut Microbiota and Multiple Sclerosis | Dr. Jens Walter | MS Society of Canada

As humans, our intestinal tract is colonized by a dense and species-rich community of microorganisms (the gut microbiota) that is of paramount importance to our health.

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Managing MS - A Holistic Approach

Managing MS - A Holistic Approach

Managing MS is approached through Mind, Body, and Spirit

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inflamation and ms

inflamation and ms

MS is an auto-immune disease. Inflammation is corner stone in this illness.

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Info from the Mayo Clinic

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Risk for Central Nervous System Demyelination Reduced by Healthy Diet

Risk for Central Nervous System Demyelination Reduced by Healthy Diet

A healthy diet including fish, eggs, vegetables, poultry, and legumes may lower the risk for central nervous system demyelination.

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vitamin D

vitamin D

Statistics indicate that some kind of cognitive impairment affects up to two-thirds of all MS patients, including memory deficits or problems with processing information. Once a patient starts showing signs of cognitive decline, it is often assumed symptoms will inevitably worsen as MS progresses. However, findings from a new study carried out by researchers in Greece are challenging this scenario.

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The link between your gut health and autoimmune diseases

The link between your gut health and autoimmune diseases

About 50 million people in the United States — have an autoimmune disease. But now, fascinating new research shows that your gut bacteria may play an important role.

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Issaquah soccer alum won’t let multiple sclerosis block her goal

Issaquah soccer alum won’t let multiple sclerosis block her goal

A multiple sclerosis diagnosis would come as a shock and a scare to anyone. But the revelation that Claudia Longo had a chronic neurological disease was no reason for her to give up her athletic dreams.

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Aggressive Stem Cell Transplant Approach Halts MS for Years, But Risks are High

Aggressive Stem Cell Transplant Approach Halts MS for Years, But Risks are High

Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) has been used to stop autoimmune processes in multiple sclerosis (MS), Now, an improved version of the technique is showing astonishingly good results,

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Low-Dose Aspirin May Help Fight MS,

Low-Dose Aspirin May Help Fight MS,

For the study, Mondal's team fed aspirin to mice specially bred to mimic the human form of MS. The investigators found that even low doses of aspirin -- equal to the 81 milligram "baby aspirin" many take to ward off heart trouble -- seemed to curb symptoms of MS in the mice.

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Going Beyond MS

Going Beyond MS

The Beyond MS Association (BMSA), is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to help improve the quality of life of people with Multiple Sclerosis.

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Richard Beecroft


Richard Beecroft has had Multiple Sclerosis for over 45 years and has made it his life's mission to show, tell and to inspire others to live their best life, regardless of having Multiple Sclerosis.

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Dawn Grimmer

Vice president

Dawn is a multi-talented college teacher, writer, editor, and TV producer. For more than thirty years she has been helping others to overcome their personal obstacles and realize their full potential.

Ron Robins

Board member

Ron Robins is a leading writer and teacher in the area of ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible investing (SRI). He's been interviewed or quoted in The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Forbes, The Financial Post, BNN, The Globe & Mail, and numerous other media.

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helene darisse

Board Member

In addition to being a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, Helene's background includes careers in Community Development; Video and Television Production and teaching at the university level;,

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I try to offer resources and reassurance, but there are some answers I just don’t have.

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When a person is newly diagnosed with MS, they and their family need to know that things will be all right.Tay Jnr/Getty Images

I received far, far too many messages in 2018 from my family, friends, friends of friends, and even people I’ve never met. The senders are always concerned, often bewildered, and sometimes quite worried. They ask for guidance; they seek advice; they long for credible resources.

What they hope for more than anything is honesty … but they also hope for answers I cannot provide.

These, of course, are people who get in touch because someone they know has recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).

I am honored that people reach out to me when looking for answers. It means — to me at least — that I am somehow meeting my goals of making the experiences and the information I share relatable and understandable to the broader MS audience.

But I’m saddened at the number of newly diagnosed members who continue to be added to our club's roster.

RELATED: New CDC Registry to Monitor MS Prevalence and Disease Trends

So Many People Are Unaware of the Resources Available to Them

I am overwhelmed by the number of people who want to help in any way they can but who are unaware of the resources available to them as people who care about someone with MS.

These organizations, like so many others, aren’t just for people living with MS. They can help those who want to help those with the disease, too. Here’s but a partial list:

RELATED: MS Resources

An MS Diagnosis Affects You and Those Around You

When I’m approached about a particular MS symptom or coping strategy, I’m almost always able to offer up an article or two on the subject. This year, I will enter my 14th year of writing about living with multiple sclerosis. In that time, I've amassed quite a library of MS-related topics (just google “Trevis Gleason” and your MS topic of interest).

But people are looking for more than a simple blog post or article.

As many people with MS know, those first months after diagnosis are harrowing. What we may not know is that there are people who surround us — family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, teachers — who are having a difficult time with it in their own way. They need to know and understand some of the same things that the person with MS does.

Namely that things will be all right. They won’t be the same; they’ll be different even if they don’t feel different.

RELATED: The Wide-Ranging Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on My Social Circle

How to Help When Each Person’s MS Experience Is Different

Also, it’s important to know, particularly for those of us who get those calls and emails, that everyone’s journey with MS is different — just as each person is different. How I have found my way might not be the path for everyone. How one person with MS has done, taken, or experienced any one thing to make their life with multiple sclerosis a little bit better isn’t all that relevant.

What’s better, I think, is for the lot of us to drop bread crumbs along our journey and leave a general direction that others may choose to follow. No one person’s path can be trod by another. The more crumbs on any particular topic, however, and a person new to our community can see generalities that have worked for many.

RELATED: 10 Tips for People Newly Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

I will continue to get those messages in 2019. Many readers of this column will as well. It’s important that we each offer what support we can at that moment. What is equally important is to steer those with MS or those who are concerned for someone with MS to communities who have helped us find our way as well.

None of us got here alone, and no one should have to go it alone — in giving advice as well as living with a new diagnosis.

Wishing you and your family the best of health.




Study: Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Linked with Multiple Sclerosis
Jennifer Barrett, Associate EditorPublish Date: Monday, June 25, 2018

A new study links Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection with multiple sclerosis (MS), confirming evidence from previous studies and providing support for targeting EBV-infected immune cells associated with chronic MS lesions as a potential treatment.

In the study, which was published in Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, the researchers analyzed autopsied brain samples from an MS brain tissue bank and from healthy, non-MS samples. After analyzing for EBV presence, the researchers found signs of EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) in 93% of MS brain samples, and in 78% of healthy, non-MS brain samples. There was a greater percentage of MS brains containing CD138+ plasma cells and LMP-1 rich populations.

EBV early lytic protein was also seen in 46% of MS brains, primarily in association with chronic lesions, and 44% of non-MS brain tissue.

Additionally, the researchers noted that 85% of MS brain samples contained a higher percentage of B-cells positive for EBV-encoded RNA, but almost none of these cells were present in brain samples from the control group.

“We observed that EBV is present in both MS and control brains, with EBV-infected B cells and plasma cells more prevalent and localized to MS brain lesions in the parenchyma,” Chris Haqq, MD, PhD, executive vice president of Research and Development and chief scientific officer of Atara Biotherapeutics, said in a press release. “By contrast, EBV-infected B cells and plasma cells in non-MS brains were shown to be localized to vascular tissues.”

Atara is currently developing 2 therapies, ATA188 and ATA190, designed to precisely recognize and eliminate EBV-infected B-cells and plasma cells in the central nervous system that may incite autoimmune responses and MS pathophysiology. Previous studies have suggested that the treatments may lead to clinical improvements in MS symptoms and early-phase clinical trials are ongoing.

“These findings advance the understanding of EBV’s potential role in MS pathogenesis and provide support for targeting EBV-infected immune cells associated with chronic MS lesions as a potential treatment for this severe autoimmune disorder,” Dr Haqq concluded in the press release.

Specialty Pharmacy Times' new sister site, NeurologyLive, offers even more resources for pharmacists working with multiple sclerosis.


Moreno MA, Or-Geva N, Aftab BT, et al. Molecular signature of Epstein-Barr virus infection in MS brain lesions. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. 2018. Doi:   


Food Allergies Linked to MS Relapses

MS patients with food allergies also more likely to have lesions

by Contributing Writer, MedPage Today

Food allergies were linked to increased disease activity in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), researchers reported.

MS patients with food allergies had more relapses and a higher likelihood of gadolinium-enhancing lesions on MRI than patients with no known allergies, reported Tanuja Chitnis, MD, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and colleagues in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

"Food allergies perturb the immune system in ways that seem to increase MS inflammatory activity," Chitnis told MedPage Today.

"Our results highlight a previously unknown relationship between food allergies and the incidence of inflammatory new lesions in multiple sclerosis," she added. "This finding could lead to new therapeutic strategies to curtail and prevent relapses in MS patients."

Other studies have examined the relationship between MS and allergies as well as the coexistence of other autoimmune diseases with conflicting results, noted Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, MD, of the University of Buffalo in New York, who was not involved with the research.

"Interestingly, a previous study on pediatric MS patients identified that food allergies that developed within the first 5 years of life were associated with a lower risk for relapses," Weinstock-Guttman told MedPage Today. "Immunological differences developed too early versus later-life food allergens between the pediatric to adult population may be an explanation for the discordant results."

In this study, a subset of 1,349 patients enrolled in the Comprehensive Longitudinal Investigation of Multiple Sclerosis at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (CLIMB) study completed a self-administered questionnaire about environmental, food, and drug allergies. All patients had an MS diagnosis according to 2010 McDonald criteria; patients with a known allergy to any disease-modifying therapy were excluded from the analysis.

The average age of patients was about 50, and mean disease duration was about 16 years. About 75% of patients had relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). More than half of the sample (753 patients) had an MRI scan with gadolinium within ±90 days of the clinic visit when the allergy questionnaire was completed.

In total, 922 MS patients reported any allergies. More men reported no allergies (35%) than any allergies (21%); other variables were comparable between the two groups. Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores and Multiple Sclerosis Severity Scores (MSSS) were similar between patients with allergies and those without.

The researchers grouped patients into one of four groups: environmental allergies (n=586), food allergies (n=238), drug allergies (n=574), and no known allergies (n=427).

Multivariable analysis controlled for sex, age at symptom onset, race, disease category, and percentage of time on disease-modifying therapy. Having any allergies was associated with a 1.22 times higher rate for cumulative attacks compared with the no-allergy group (P=0.0204) in univariate analysis, but in adjusted analysis, this difference disappeared (P=0.1497).

When stratified by allergy, however, the food group had a 1.38 times higher rate for cumulative number of attacks than patients with no known allergies (P=0.0062). In adjusted analysis, this difference remained significant (1.27; P=0.0305). In contrast, the environmental and drug allergy groups did not show significant differences compared with the no-allergy group.

The food allergy group also showed more than twice the likelihood (OR 2.53, 95% CI 1.25-5.11; P=0.0096) of having gadolinium-enhancing lesions on MRI.

"The microbiome known to interfere with the systemic immune system probably is an important factor," observed Weinstock-Guttman.

"Further studies on microbiome and dietary interventions, especially in patients with specific food allergies, may provide helpful knowledge for better and more specific control," she said. "The influence of specific disease-modifying therapies that can affect disease outcome but also change the microbiome should be considered."

This analysis was based on a cross-sectional study; it cannot establish causality, Chitnis and colleagues noted. It was limited by self-reported allergies that were not confirmed by an allergy specialist. The questionnaire could not differentiate between true food allergy and other adverse reactions to food, they added. The study also had no information about patients' MS treatments.

The CLIMB study is supported by Merck Serono and the National MS Society Nancy Davis Center Without Walls.

The researchers reported relationships with Verily Life Sciences, Novartis, Merck Serono, Genentech, Biogen, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, Tilos Therapeutics, Tiziana Life Sciences, IM Therapeutics, vTv Therapeutics, MedDay Pharmaceuticals, Bayer, and Celgene.


Researchers Say Cannabis Can Benefit People with Multiple Sclerosis

After a review of scientific studies, researchers say extracts from marijuana plants can help treat pain and spasticity symptoms in people with multiple sclerosis.

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Gary Morrison | Getty Images

A systematic review recently presented at the Consortium of MS Centers in Tennessee has concluded that cannabinoids may have “modest effects in multiple sclerosis for pain or spasticity.”

Researchers looked at the safety and effectiveness of cannabis as well as studying its impact on disability and disability progression, pain, spasticity, bladder function, tremor/ataxia, quality of life, and adverse effects.

Five reviews concluded that there was sufficient evidence that cannabinoids may be beneficial for symptoms of pain and spasticity in multiple sclerosis (MS).

The review suggested future research include studies with noncannabinoid comparisons, noting an important gap in the studies.

The cannabis plant contains many biologically active chemicals, including about 60 cannabinoids.

Cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main chemical components of cannabis.

Studies have shown that CBD has a number of beneficial pharmacological effects. It’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective.

Cannabis is legal in 30 states for the use of specific medical conditions — including MS. Sixteen more states have passed laws that specifically allow the medical use of CBD.

A recent peer-reviewed article looked at the effects of CBD on those with MS.

Researchers concluded that supplementing with CBD may help people with MS reduce fatigue, pain, and spasticity as well as eventually improve mobility.

Furthermore, the article suggests that a higher social acceptance of CBD will lead to increases in the number of people with MS using cannabis to treat their symptoms.

MS patients trying cannabis

In a web-based survey, hosted by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 66 percent of people with MS said they currently use cannabis for symptom treatment.

The Rocky Mountain MS Center at the University of Colorado recently published the preliminary results from its 25-person study evaluating use of cannabis.

Patients were asked to complete questions assessing willingness to use cannabis in MS treatment, previous and current use, impact of cannabis on MS symptoms, MS history, and demographics.

The preliminary results showed that slightly more than half of the respondents believe cannabis has some benefit on MS symptoms.

About 76 percent of respondents indicated they would consider trying cannabis to manage their MS symptoms.

And 28 percent reported cannabis use in the past year.

Cannabis products were mostly used for pain, spasticity/muscle tightness, and muscle spasms. The most common side effect listed was slower cognitive processes.

The most common objections to using medical marijuana included limited scientific proof, uncertainty of legal status, social stigma, potential addiction problems, and negative psychoactive effects of cannabis.

How marijuana helps MS patients

Another study from the University of Rochester MS Center in New York looked at the “real world” experience of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis.

Researchers conducted a cross sectional study, asking subjects to complete a survey reporting their experience with medical marijuana certification, usage, and effects.

About 77 percent said medical marijuana was helpful in managing symptoms, mainly spasticity and pain. They reported no side effects.

Another 70 percent felt their quality of life improved with medical marijuana. Some patients actually reduced other medications used for symptoms.

Most of the participants said they spent $100 to $300 per month on medical marijuana.

The Rochester study concluded that medical marijuana appears to have a role in managing the symptoms of MS through direct symptom relief and reduction in other medications. It also suggests that improving affordability may enhance patient benefit.

In Italy, researchers recently concluded that a cannabis-based spray, Sativex, is beneficial in reducing pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. During their study involving about two dozen patients, the researchers also found the spray improved pain sensitivity caused by cold temperatures.

Risks vs. benefits

Kathy Costello, a nurse practitioner at the Johns Hopkins Multiple Sclerosis Center in Maryland and the associate vice president of healthcare access for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, does have some cautions for MS patients using medical marijuana.

“There are potential benefits, but they must be presented with their fair risks. People must make the most informed decisions and choices taking this into consideration,” Costello told Healthline. “It’s very important to note the risks as well as the potential benefits. There are risks involved. It is not studied like other medicines.”

Dr. Barbara Giesser, professor of clinical neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and clinical director of the UCLA MS program, told Healthline that, “Cannabis and cannabinoid derivatives may be useful for some MS symptoms, but standard pharmacologic agents are available for the symptoms that have been shown to be responsive to cannabis, and are more standardized in terms of efficacy, potency, and pharmacology.”

However, Carolyn Kaufman, an MS advocate who’s lived with the disease since her diagnosis in 2009, says medical marijuana has made all the difference for her.

“With MS, there’s only so much you can do for pain,” Kaufman told Healthline. “It comes from exposed nerves that block signals from your brain and spine to your body to tell it how to work.”

“I had severe excruciating pain from muscle spasms, but the muscles themselves aren’t to blame,” she said. “It’s coming from damage on my spine and the muscle relaxers and pain pills go right to the muscle itself. Cannabis reduces inflammation, slowing down the disease activity and calming your entire system. It truly saved my life when my doctor ran out of answers. My miracle plant.”

It was the side effects and lack of effectiveness from the medications that led Kaufman to try medical marijuana.

“The medications weren’t helping with the pain at all, just making me high so then I was high and in pain,” she explained. “The side effects of the medications were mostly psychological — a lot of depression, apathy, mood swings, and exhaustion.”

Kaufman, who provides coaching services for MS patients, has lost 150 pounds during her journey. Her story is told via her blog at

“When the pain was severe, cannabis was my gift from the earth,” she said. “It worked when nothing else would. After never smoking before, I used cannabis to come off of all of my symptom management medications.”


Looking at the cause of MS

My personal journey with MS

Like many people who get MS, I began experiencing unexplainable and terrifying symptoms such as tingling throughout my body, extreme weakness, paralysis, chronic fatigue, double vision, depression, inability to concentrate, and many others.

After forty years of these symptoms I've come to accept the unexpected. But I still want to know what was the cause of my MS..

One of the good things about having MS is that it has compelled me to ask some very fundamental questions. Questions such as: What is the purpose of my life? Why does illness and MS exist? And the most important one: Why did I get MS?

I learned that the human body is the most complex and wonderful creation in the Universe, and within it is an energy source. This energy source not only gives us form, and defines our unique character and personality, but life and meaning as well … let’s call it the Life Force. One aspect of the Life Force is its ability to disturb normal bodily functions after being overcome by extreme stress or a traumatic episode. It seems to me that MS could be caused, or at least worsened by, a disruption of my Life Force.  I know such an experience happened to me when I was eighteen years old. Two years later my first MS symptoms appeared.

When the body is overcome by extreme stress or a traumatic episode our Life Force can be disrupted, resulting in the disturbance of normal bodily functions. 

I believe there are multiple factors involved in causing MS, including genetic makeup and susceptibility; our geographic location, both today and where we grew up; the introduction of a pathogen, (possibly a virus, bacteria, etc.); and our environment (stress level, pollution, food, lifestyle, etc.). These all combine in such a way that our Life Force is compromised and we develop Multiple Sclerosis.

I also believe that by addressing these factors we can help to stop, or even reverse the onslaught of Multiple Sclerosis.

Managing MS – A Holistic Approach

Humans are the most complex and wonderful creations in the Universe and are comprised of a three-fold constitution:

The Body

Our physical body is an exquisite assemblage of living organ systems functioning together as a true miracle. For doctors and materialists, the body is viewed as merely a biochemical machine of carbon, calcium and other materials, made up of two-thirds water, and needing to be fixed when it breaks down.

We believe the body is much more than just a physical structure. It is a direct expression and extension of the Spirit and Mind. Not having the challenge of MS would certainly allow us an easier life, but believe it or not, it is our choice to have an ill or physically challenged body. Multiple Sclerosis is an opportunity to achieve maximum growth, and is a gift enabling us to realize our true divinity!

The Mind
Many think that the brain is the mind, but this is incorrect. The brain is a physical object that can be seen with the eyes, photographed, or operated on in surgery. The mind, on the other hand, is not a physical object. It cannot be seen, nor photographed, or repaired by surgery. We tend to think that the brain is the seat of the mind while in fact our consciousness and mind can be found throughout our body. The mind operates through the means of consciousness and is the way in which the Spirit, the Body and the world are linked.

The Spirit
The human spirit is the essence of every individual. It is the inner Source responsible for our existence. Only the physical body becomes old and feeble. The spirit remains forever young. Old age, infancy and youth, sickness and health, sorrows, joys, grief, and problems, are all things that pass, as do all external conditions and experiences of the world.

If we recognize the existence of our own spirit, old age, sorrow and suffering do not throw us into a state of fear, worry, or grief. If we can take a larger, holistic view of reality then the problems of life are manageable and we can realize our true selves.

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