Take Responsibility for Your Own Health - Nobody Else Will! Why do people get sick? Sickness is not a natural state-of-being. Learn how to protect your health by changing the way you think about your life. Thousands of scientific studies over the past thirty years have shown that our thought patterns is the most significant factor why people get sick.
Learn MoreA Simple Breathing Exercise For A Balanced Mind, Body, and Soul: The benefits of pranayama are tremendous, and there are several breathing exercises anyone can incorporate in just a few minutes a day.
Learn MoreRest, Meditation, and prayer for full integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit, adressing the whole body. A variety of mind-body approaches are used by people with MS for therapeutic effect, including Yoga, biofeedback, music therapy, pet therapy, hypnosis, meditation, prayer, and guided imagery. There have been a limited number of systematic studies evaluating the benefits of these mind-body approaches.
Learn MoreYoga, and Exercise. Breath is Life! Connect to life's energy through Yoga, and exercise! A simple routine will give anyone a quantum jump in energy, mental clarity, and well being. Do a short daily procedure and start to actually rebuild your mind, body, and spirit!
Learn MoreMultiple Sclerosis - John A. McDougall, M.D. : When the subjects of multiple sclerosis and diet are mentioned in the same sentence, the reaction from most health professionals is to dismiss the connection as being absolutely ridiculous. How could something as simple as what we eat be involved with such a mysterious disease as multiple sclerosis?
Learn MoreThe world's oldest system of Holistic Medicine incorporates very exact sophisticated diagnosis techniques, synergistic natural medicines and tonics, comprehensive purification and massage techniques, meditation, diet, breathing techniques, exercise, etc..
Learn MoreThe top 15 supplements for natural MS therapy There is a strong case for natural treatment of multiple sclerosis with supplements, diet, etc. That is along with, or instead of drugs, as prescribed by your physician. Drugs sometimes have significant results on treating MS symptoms but have limited benefits on the disease itself, while natural therapies often have a dramatic impact on the course of MS.
Learn MoreHow Laughter Can Help People with Multiple Sclerosis A new clinical trial is under way to study how laughter can help ease depression and anxiety for people with neurological disorders. Laughing may be a way to a healthier lifestyle for people with neurological diseases. That was the premise of a recent study that took place in Israel. Neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease, can cause anxiety and sleep issues, among other symptoms. The researchers of the study, which focused on people with Parkinson’s, said laughter therapy may be an effective way for people with these conditions to feel better. There is also a new clinical trial that will study the effects of laughter therapy on people with a variety of neurological disorders, including MS.
Learn MoreHydration and MS Exercise in a Hydrotherapy Pool: It didn't take me long to realize that I'd been missing something very important—a good way to burn enough calories to keep my weight in check, while experiencing the pleasant psychological effects of a regular exercise regimen. So I followed the first part of my doctor's advice—to take Tylenol—and found that my strength gradually returned as my fever receded. Later, when I was feeling better, I followed his second suggestion—to take a long, cool shower—and I was amazed to find that I was still stronger! Although not everyone with MS experiences such a dramatic response to changes in temperature, knowledge of this temperature effect is extremely important for those who do.
Learn MoreThere have been many people living with MS that report getting alleviation from their incapacitating symptoms through chiropractic treatment. Patients claim to have higher energy, better muscular control and the ability to be more active in their daily life
Learn MoreLive a balanced life in harmony with nature to maximize the body’s ability to heal incorporating a healthy lifestyle that facilitates wellness. Get plenty of rest; stop smoking; reduce amount of caffeine consumed;; enjoy more walks or wheels in nature; stay physically and mentally active - don’t overdo it;; and engage in activities that bring joy to your life. https://relaxlikeaboss.com/
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